WHAT MUELLER MEANS — You won’t get a deep analysis of the Robert Mueller indictments and guilty plea here. Not our bag. Here are some great minds talking about where the probe heads next. And here is an excellent timeline of all we know about the Trump-Russia connections.

And the tremors on Wall Street could get worse if Mueller does in fact begin moving in closer to the president and his top advisers and their relationships with Russian agents before and during the 2016 campaign.

David R Kotok, Chairman & Chief Investment Officer at Cumberland Advisors emails: “I recall the early stages of the Nixon turmoil and what evolved. Ironic that Nixon went to China and Trump is doing that now. Markets don’t like evolving uncertainty and distraction of the governing authority. I have raised some cash reserve in managed accounts.”

More details and opinion here: https://www.politico.com/tipsheets/morning-money/2017/10/31/what-mueller-means-223083

David R. Kotok
Published Date